SATURDAY, JUNE 21, 2025, 10 am - 6 pm

SUNDAY, JUNE 22, 2025, 10 am - 5 pm






The Exhibitor/Vendor/Participant agrees that by submitting his/her fee and application herewith, and/or in consideration for being granted permission by The Long Beach Chamber of Commerce to exhibit/participate at the Vendor Fair, that the following terms shall apply and be enforceable:


Each applicant must apply with payment and a description of all items they plan to display and sell. Please enclose photos of the products and your display. The spirit of this show is to sell hand-crafted and/or original items. We will take a limited number of direct sales vendors and not-for-profit groups. We will follow all current State and CDC guidelines for the dates of the fair. The committee reserves the right to refuse any vendor considered unsuitable.


All fees are per weekend - absolutely NO single-day spaces are available.

THE BOOTH Space size is 10’ wide X 10’ deep. Each vendor must supply its own display. Booths can include a canopy or tent and tables. Booths should be clean and professional-looking with table covers. Vendors must properly secure the tent using weights. No nails, stakes wires or other objects may be driven into the wood, cement or asphalt. Electricity is not available to vendors. No pets are allowed at the event. The Chamber reserves the absolute right to place or move vendors to different locations. There are no guarantees that you will have the same spot as in previous years.


No refunds will be made on accepted & processed applications.


Each participant is responsible for the safety, protection, and insurance of their own exhibit and merchandise. Security guards will be on duty each night from 7:00 pm to 6:00 am. The fair space will be securely patroled at night, but it is advised that you do not leave valuable items overnight. Additionally, every vendor is required to have tie-downs/weights on all tents.


I, the Exhibitor/Vendor/Participant, in consideration for receiving permission to participate in the Vendor Fair [hereinafter “the Event”], AGREE to indemnify and hold harmless The Long Beach Chamber of Commerce, the City of Long Beach, the Promoters, the Sponsors, the Organizers and their respective employees, representatives, contractors, volunteers,  agents, affiliates and any other entity [all hereinafter collectively referred to as “the Event Holders”] responsible for producing or involved in facilitating the Event, from any liability for any and all damages that may occur or be sustained by me, my employees, representatives, agents, contractors, volunteers or affiliates, etc. [hereinafter “my employees’], as well as my patrons and guests, as a result of the Event Holders’ decision either to cancel or to proceed with the scheduled Event due to prevailing or forecasted weather or other conditions or adverse circumstances which might arise before or during the Event.  

I, the Exhibitor/Vendor/Participant, further understand and accept that there are certain risks inherent in participating in an outdoor event, and that I, my employees, patrons and guests may incur risks, which include, but are not limited to, exposure to: rain, lightning, wind, poor air quality, heat, insects, animals, noise, and illness, and I voluntarily AGREE to assume and accept such risk and accept sole responsibility for any expense, liability, damage, loss, illness, injury, disability or death related to my participation in the Event.  I further understand and AGREE the Event Holders are not liable or responsible for stolen merchandise or property.  I do herein for myself and my heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, hereby release and forever discharge, defend and hold harmless, the Event Holders, their heirs, administrators, and executors of and from any and every lawsuit, claim, demand, action or right of action, of whatsoever kind or nature, either in law or in equity, arising from or by reason of any bodily injury or personal injuries known or unknown, death and/or property damage, loss, cost or expenses resulting from, occasioned by, arising out of, or occurring as a result of my participation in, or due to the cancellation of, the Event.

I, the Exhibitor/Vendor/Participant, AGREE that this release of liability, waiver, assumption of risk and indemnity agreement [hereinafter “WAIVER”] is intended to be as broad and inclusive as permitted by the laws of the State of New York and that if any portion of this WAIVER or any other part of the overall Vendor Fair Agreement, is held invalid, I AGREE that the balance of terms of this WAIVER shall continue in full force and effect.  This WAIVER shall be governed by and construed under the laws of the State of New York, without regard to conflict or choice of law principles. I AGREE not to commence or prosecute any action in connection herewith other than in the state and/or federal courts of the State of New York. I hereby submit and consent to the exclusive jurisdiction of the State of New York for purposes of litigating and/or resolving any disputes, proceedings or actions arising from or related to this agreement, and that any such disputes, proceedings, actions and/or litigation shall be conducted in the state Supreme Court located in Nassau County or City Court for the City of Long Beach or federal district court in the Eastern District of New York. By submitting my vendor application herein, I acknowledge that I have read this WAIVER, I understand all of its terms, and I AGREE to be bound by the terms hereinabove set forth. 

Click Here to complete the 2025 Vendor Fair Agreement


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